Bangladesh Liberation War, 1971.
Md. Sahib Ali, Senior Inspector provided us with some information that he collected from a Janitor named Pardeshi. The Inspector said that on the West side of Malitola which was on road that exited from Tantiabazar all the temples were destroyed by heavy shelling . A janitor named Pardeshi collected the corpses from the locality. According to the words of Pardeshi, “I saw the dead body of a young beautiful girl. It had a lot of wounds… the vaginal tract was severely infected. Flesh from her hips was removed by some sharp weapons. I next saw the dead body of a 10 year old girl. She was very beautiful. Her skin was like fresh apple, although her body was ridden with bullets. I also saw the naked body of a young girl on the roof top of the Rokeya Hall. There were no bullet injuries on her body or any other signs of wounds. A Pakistani soldier was on duty with me. I could him how did she die, and he laughed loudly and said, “We Pakistani soldiers gang raped her to death.” Soon, her body began to bloat. Her eyes were wide open. Her hair was torn form her skull. Her vagina was full of dried blood. Her breasts were pale with wounds. I also saw the corpse of a Hindu Professor, his wife, and two sons in the truck from the second floor of Sivabari in Dhaka University. We packed three truck loaded with corpses and took them to the Buriganga river on March 30th. We also picked up several decomposed bodies, dead bodies from the Tejgaon Madrasas and beheaded bodies. We found the bayonet ridden body of the dead Hindu Professor Jogesh Chandra Ghosh, owner of Sadhana Oushadalaya, a Pharmacy, and threw it in the Swamibad canal.
(Collected Stories from ISPAD Journal Of Indian Sub continent Partition document, Fall 2023)