A Kafir Women Speaks For a Kafir Woman: Jihad, Sexual Violence, and A Kafir Woman
The story of Girija Tikko:
According to Raphael Lemkin, genocide is “…the destruction of a nation or an ethnic group — generally speaking genocide does not neessarily mean the immediate destruction of a nation, except when accomplished by mass killing of all members of a nation. It is extended rather to signify a co ordinated plan of different actions aiming at the destriction of essential foundations of the life of national groups, with the aim of annihilating the groups themselves”.
The above definition missed a couple of points. I will talk mostly about the first point and touch on the second one. The first point is that of sexual violence or occupation of the womb. According to Levi Strauss, human beings stepped from nature to culture when they started exchanging. First they excahnged commodities (market), but these commodities are perishable. In pre state societies, permanent bondage is established by the exchange of one commodity, woman. This establishes kinship structures. Please watch the following videos on this:
So, one of the first things for an invader in genocide is to occupy the wombs, occupy the woman, so that the basis of society, kinship, can be destroyed. Kinship is an artificial imposition of structure on our natural incestuous desires. We have to understand the killing rape and murder of Girija Tikoo in the context of this kinship system.
The killing, rape, and brutality on Girija Tikko is not just the murder and violence on one individual, but it is symbolic for what she stands for. Girija was a Kashmiri Hindu who fled Kashmir in 1990s like thousands to find refuge in Jammu. She was a high school teacher and did not collect her salary before she fled Kashmir. Her coworker told her that she should be back to collect her paycheck and not be scared. She knew the person and trusted him; what she did not know was that it was a death trap. The Islamists abducted her from her home and nobody in the neighborhood had the nerve to protest in the neighborhood. The attackers transported her to an unidentified location where they gang raped and sodomized her and while alive put her under a mechanical saw and cut her in pieces. It was not just the killing of Girija Tikko, but what she stands for. The killing and murder of Girija Tikoo was thus, symbolic, a symbol for the annihilation of a race.
Jonoraj Instittue: Material On Genocide from the course taught by Dr. Dileep Kaul.