Call For Annihilation Of Hindus
Secret Circular Issues Among The Muslims (1946)
[Taken From Stern Reckoning: G.D. Khosla, Oxford University Press, N.D. 110001, Reprinted in 1946: The Great Calcutta Killings And Noakhali Genocide].
1. All Muslims of India should die for Pakistan.
2. With Pakistan established whole of India should be conquered.
3. All people of India should be converted to Islam.
4. All Muslim Kingdom should join hands with the Anglo-American exploitation of the whole world.
5. One Muslim should get the right of five Hindus, i.e., each Muslim is equal to five Hindus.
6. Until Pakistan and Indian Empire is established, the following steps should be taken :—
7. (a) All factories and shops owned by Hindus should be burnt, destroyed, looted and loot should be given to League office.
8. All Muslim Leaguers should carry weapons in defiance of orders.
9. All nationalist Muslims if they do not join League must be killed by secret Gestapo.
10. Hindus should be murdered gradually and their population should be reduced.
11. All temples should be destroyed.
12. Muslim League spies in every village and district of India.
13. Congress Leaders should be murdered, one in one month by secret method.
14. Congress upper offices should be destroyed by secret Muslim Gestapo, single person doing the job.
15. Karachi, Bombay, Calcutta, Madras, Goa, Vizagapatam should be paralyzed by December 1946 by Muslim League volunteers.
16. Muslim should never be allowed to work under Hindus in Army, Navy, Government services or private firms.
17. Muslims should sabotage whole of India an Congress Government for the final invasion of India by Muslims.
18. Financial resources are given by Muslim League. Invasion of India by Nizam communist, few Europeans, Khoja by Bhopal, few Anglo-Indians, few Parsis, few Christians, Punjab, Sind, and Bengal will be places of manufacture of all arms, weapons for Muslims Leaguers invasion and establishing of Muslim Empire of India.
19. All arms, weapons should be distributed to Bombay, Calcutta, Delhi, Madras, Bangalore, Lahore, Karachi, branches of Muslim League.
20. All sections of Muslim League should carry minimum equipment of weapons, at least pocket knife at all times to destroy Hindus and drive all Hindus out of India.
21. All transport should be used for battle against Hindus.
22. Hindu women and girls should be raped, kidnapped and converted into Muslims from October 18, 1946 (sic)
23. Hindu culture should be destroyed.
24. All League should try to be cruel ant all times to Hindus and boycott them socially, economically, and in many other ways.
25. No Muslim should buy from Hindu dealers. All Hindu produced films should be boycotted. All Muslim Leaguers should obey these instructions and bring into action by September 15, 1946.
(Taken from: Stern Reckoning, G.D. Khosla, Oxford University Press, N.D. –110001]. Reprinted in Dinesh Chandra Sinha and Ashok Dasgupta, 1946: The Great Calcutta Killings And Noakhali Genocide, 1946, p, 60-61].