A Marxist narrative will never bring this in. If this was class struggle, then why convert based on faith? There were large scale conversions and also huge rape of women. This was the same in 1971. Archer K. Blood said, the Genocide was directed specifically towards Hindu women. This is the typical failure of the Marxist to over assert structures and deny identities. It was not the “ Working class in England but the Irish working class”, similarly denying surplus value creating domestic labor.
“In the meantime, Golam Sarwar started meeting with the Muslim National Guard office with about six people. In a deep thundering voice, Golam Sarwar started saying, “This nation will be Pakistan. No Malaun bastards will remain in this country. All will be forced to recite the kalima by pointing the spear at their chest. Pakistan means dar-ul-islam. Not one Mushrik (H)indu will remain. All will be circumcised. You guys have a lot of work to do. Record the names of all the (H)indus around you. Also, take note of the houses have temples and smear all the houses with cow blood. If you can break them, do so. The idols will have to be broken first. Then urinate on top of them. Marry the Hindu women and then make them read the Kalima. Decide who will marry whom. And decide how many will be killed.” Abu Bakr, present in the meeting said, “Whom will we finish, your honor?” In response Sarwar said, “Finish all those who resist”.
(Noakhali, By Sandip Mukherjee, translated by Rinita Mazumdar, To be available on Amazon On September 17, 2024. It is available on Community Publishing Website.