A Psychoanalytic Explanation: Why is there resistance to talk of Hindu genocide? Why is there reluctance to keep my book in one of the world’s largest sites?
According to Freud, while the therapists is writing and interpreting the “free association” of the client, the therapist has to play special attention to the silences and gaps in this narrative. A narrative is the story, the free association that is coming forth from the client in a space that is SAFE and where the client feels comfortable. In traditional psychoanalysis, the therapist is not visible to the client, so in a way, it is a self dialogue of the client with himself. Via this narrative the therapist gets a glipse into the unconscious of the client. In this continuous narrative, what do silences mean? WIthin Freudian schema, there is some power, which is REISISTING a memory to surface. The job of the therapist is to bring that to teh surface and counter it. Why is this resistance? Because, it is too painful and if surface will break the ego of the client and the basic core of his or her identity.
An author is somewhat is a therapist. She brings to the surface the underlying trauma of societies, specially, where there is resistance. That is why this trauamtic history has to be encountered. Resistance will come as the memories are too painful and defense mechanisms of repression will work. For facing these traumas will break down the ego of the client and the core of his identity. Nonetheless, these silences are the only way to move forward and build a society where there is dialogue and transperancy….